Recent Posts
39 – AI and Bad Influence
We start off Talking about Majid trying Fedora. We then get into Microsoft buying nuclear power facilities to provide for the monsterous energy needs of AI. Majid shares some interesting uses of AI in the healthcare industry. We get into the latest in the Internet Archive saga. All of this and way more!
38 – Linux For Literally Everything Else
This is the first episode we live streamed. We started with the Internet Archive outage, this leads to a conversation about passwords and the philosophies around changing passwords. We move on to Thunderbird and the new Beta currently in testing for Android, and some of the pitfalls of email on the various email apps. Linux on tablets - Majid planning to purchase one of those new Snapdragon devices - and compelling reasons to use Mac are also in this episode. We've got all of this and so much more on this episode!
37 – Cinnamon and Stealing Hardware
This week we start off talking about Leo's latest episode of Linux User Space. In episode 5:02, Leo and Dan go over a history of the Cinnamon desktop, and how tightly it's tied to Linux Mint it's self. We then morphed into a conversation about Windows 8, Windows on the command line, and how Gnome 3 seemed to come along about the same time. Desktop design was the hot topic. We then moved on to the APT package manager, and the differences between it on Mint, and the rest of the Debian world. I could write more, but you'd spend more time reading this than you would listening to the show. We get into a lot of stuff.
36 – Tenacious Turbans
Bill, Leo, Majid, and Joe get together this week to talk about Audacity, Tenacity, Git, Redbox, media servers, and Majid's silly new phone.
You're not going to believe this, but AI does come up in the conversation.
All of this and so, so much more.
And by the way, Leo was kidding - Tenacity definitely does not suck.
35 – Suffer Engineers
This week Eric, and Majid return, along with Leo and Joe to talk about Linux in schools, LLM's AI, the new XPS, and so much more. It was a blast!