
  • “I borked episode 17”

    this is just a short clip to let everyone know I screwed up episode 17. I'm going to re-do it and re-release. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Be expecting the new episode within the next 24 hours

  • Episode 17 – “He’s a Majid man”

    No Norbert again this episode, but we get into all kinds of stuff. We talk about streaming platforms, ads on podcasts. We talk about stuff like super hero shows, dissecting the concept of the multiverse. We go back and forth over the value of using distros like Arch or Gentoo. We get into the time-honored conversation about convergence. All of this and so much more!

  • Episode 16 – Bring Your Own Linux

    This week Norbert couldn't make the show but we were joined by Majid, and Eric from mintCast fame. We get into discussions about bloat, Linux on mobile, user interfaces, and a whole lot more!

  • Episode 15 – Bloat is Subjective

    This week we get into some feedback as well as a discussion about system bloat, getting rid of it; and should we get rid of it. We get into Distrobox a little and discuss why it's different from other containerized application solutions. All of that and a whole lot more!

  • Episode 14 – Stand and Be Counted!

    This week we're a man short, but we soldier on none the less. We continue our conversation about Red Hat's decision to limit access to their source code, and the impact that will no doubt have on the enterprise space. We also get into Fedora's recent "announcement" that they are considering working on building a frame work for "ethical telemetry." All that, and so much more!

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